BACKGROUND DSI Sandwich Belt high angle conveyors are proven, versatile systems for elevating or lowering materials continuously at steep angles
Patented DSI Trailing Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyor Expands Tunnel Muck Removal
Dos Santos International continues its legacy of innovation with the latest patented conveyor, the DSI TBM trailing Sandwich Belt high angle
DSI Supplies High Angle Conveyor for LaFarge Holcim
Dos Santos International recently started up their Sandwich Belt high angle conveyor for Lafarge Holcim at the Sparrow’s Point Slag Cement facility.
DSI Starts Up High Angle Conveyor for SNF Coagulants
Dos Santos International has supplied their Sandwich Belt high angle conveyor to SNF Coagulants for a plant expansion in St Avold, France. With their
DSI Supplies Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyor for Floating Grain Terminal
Dos Santos International is pleased to announce their most recent installation handling grain on a floating terminal on the Mississippi River.The
DSI Supplied High Angle Conveyors for Changi Airport Project
Dos Santos International was awarded a contract to provide their DSI Sandwich Belt high angle conveyor to the Changi International Airport Terminal
Dos Santos International Starts Up Two Sandwich Conveyors at Buritica Project
Dos Santos International recently commissioned two Sandwich belt high angle conveyors for Continental Gold’s Buriticá project in Antioquia, Colombia.
Dos Santos International Supplies New Hybrid Sandwich Belt Conveyor
In one of the latest DSI Sandwich high angle conveyor installations, Dos Santos International has started up a new hybrid Sandwich Belt high angle
Largest DSI Sandwich Belt High Angle Conveyor Links Storage Yards
Dos Santos International was awarded a contract near the Gulf of Mexico, which includes engineering support and supply of a DSI Snake Sandwich High